Labor Day Hours: 8AM-2PM- No Group Fitness Classes

Where are you?

I hope all of you guys are doing well.  If you've been watching the news well you know that the coronavirus is not going anywhere.   I think the one thing we all learned and are still learning is the importance of good health during this health crisis.  I honestly think most of take our good health for granted.  We have known that we should always try to stay in our healthiest state and that exercises is sometimes excellent preventative medicine.  One of the main symptoms of many of the victims of COVID19 was obesity and other health issues that compromises the immune system.  So, I want you guys to come back to the gym when you feel you're safe and work on yourself and your health.  There are many members already back in the exercise regiment with the mindset that they want to be healthier.  Stronger lungs, stronger limbs and stronger bodies.   Exercise and active lifestyle can reduce the incidence of communicable and non-communicable diseases.  It also can help us fight off infection.   I want you guys to think about this and than decide if you're ready to come back.  We are ready and we are safe.   See you soon?

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