Have you changed the way you eat?

Have you changed the way you eat?

The last couple of years we have struggled during the pandemic.  We've struggled in the eating department because schedules were changed, eating routines and habits were changed,  gyms were closed, uncertainty of items on the shelves and the biggest one- an increased need for comfort foods due to stress and anxiety.  61% of adults reported undesired weight gains with an astounding average increase of 29lbs.  Among parents, the weight gain was even higher at 36-38 lbs.   There has never been a time where your health is the most important priority that you have.  We all know weight gain is detrimental to our health and that obesity is linked to COVID related deaths combined with other comorbidity issues.   Now that our lives have started normalize and hopefully COVID cases keep getting smaller, you need to make your health a priority.  If you're still carrying the extra 29 lbs that you gained,  you need to get to work.  We hate weight gain,  we don't like how we look and we don't like how feel.  So start making small changes,  get back in the gym,  eliminate sodas, chip and other comfort foods and you'll slowly start heading in the right direction. Do this for you!

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